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"To lead change within the healthcare industry by offering Orthopedic & Medical Massage as preventative & complementary patient care."

Medical Massage is Medically-Directed Care. All Medical Massage Treatments require a referral from your Primary Care Provider to begin.
Allow for 90 minutes to include assessment and testing.
Full payment is due at time of service.
You will be provided with a "Superbill". You send this comprehensive form into your insurance company for reimbursement.
Please NOTE: Package Prices and discounts cannot be applied to Medical Referrals
Medical Massage at Natural Balance Medical & Therapeutics
provides you with result-oriented, treatment specific, and heart-centered therapy to return you to pain free movement as quickly as possible.
Manual, orthopedic or cranial sacral therapies are carefully selected based on your healthcare providers diagnosis and on evidence-based research. Treatment Success begins with accurate and knowledgeable assessments & testing of soft tissue injuries and presenting conditions.
Your LMT/CMMT places a high priority on client-centered care. Individualized sessions and plans are designed with your specific diagnosis in mind and with the single goal to get you back to doing what you love to do the most.
Examples of conditions medical massage can effectively treat are:
Piriformis Syndrome
SI Joint Dysfunction
Back Strain
Hip Pain
Neck Strain

"The ability of the human body to reshape, heal itself and fully recover continues to amaze me."
Herniated/bulging discs
Rotator Cuff/Impingement
Frozen Shoulder
Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Plantar fascitis

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