Contacting Natural Balance
T: 907.723.9180
3200 Hospital Drive, Suite 200
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Open Hours
- by Appointment only -
Hours of Operation:
Wed -Saturday 11-7:00
nCovid-19 Considerations
Following the Alaska Department of Health and Social Service, CDC, NHS nCovid-19 guidelines will keep you, your LMT and your community healthy and continue to flatten the curve.
Please cancel your appointment if any of the following pertain to you:
You have cold/flu like symptoms, fever, chills, cough, runny nose, etc.
Have traveled outside of your respective city within the last 14 days.
Have been a group of 10 or more people within the last 14 days.
If you or a member of your household have come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you have questions concerning your appointment, please call 723-9180 and I will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Covid-19 guidelines are monitor on a daily basis and kept up to date as accurately as possible.
As Alaskans we have done an excellent job flattening the curve!
Let's work together to keep it that way!