How to Boost Your Immune System
Part 2:
How to Boost Your Immune System
Part 2:
Key Components of the Immune System:
Tissue Macrophage
2. Neutrophiles
- Need Vitamin C to
increase function
3. Monocyte
4. Increase Production of White
Blood Cells by building up the blood & bone marrow.
10 Key Considerations (Adult dosages)
Warm/hot liquids
3. Vitamin D, 1,000 mg/day
4. Zinc 50-100 mg/day
5. Avoid Sugar - function of Neutrophils
6. Vitamin C > 3000mg /day
7. Flavinoids enhance uptake & absorption of
Vitamin C- > 200 mg/day
8. Vit A 10,000-20,000 iu/day or 10-20 mg/day
9. Vit E 800 iu/day
10. Vit B6 100 mg/day
Work Sited: Dr Abazar Habibina, MD, DFN, Director of the Canadian Academy of Sports Nutrition